US Master’s National Championships Bronze M65 200M 28.01
Competitive track and self-reliance? Off grid homesteading and competitive track?? A bit odd that I included sports and competitive athletics with homesteading and self-reliance don’t you think? But bear with me. Give this a read and let me know what you think.
I’m growing older and much closer to the end than the beginning with an unknown amount of time left. I’ve tried to make the most of what time I’ve had on the planet. I’m too old to toot my own horn so I’m simply writing to pass on my story as motivation and encouragement for others.
As a younger guy close to 40 years ago, I was a sprinter for a local Pennsylvania track club. Then I moved to Maine where homesteading and self-reliance became my career of choice. I was always active so this move to Maine was just a continuation of physical activity.
The only running I did was around the base paths for the local softball team. As many of you know, we then moved 100 miles into the Saskatchewan wilderness where the only running I did was from a fast approaching forest fire.
Then about 5 years ago, we made the transition from the wilderness of Saskatchewan to Nova Scotia to build our third and final homestead. Two years ago, I noted a competition for those 55 plus and older. The competitive juices started to flow and I thought to myself, how hard could it be to get back into sprinting shape? Well, surprisingly hard!
Everything I do, I give it my best shot and this was no different. I surely did not want to show up on the track and get smoked by a pack of old guys. So I trained hard, limped for months, pulled my quad and limped some more. Showed up at the track mostly healed with my quad taped up yet won my races. I was absolutely shocked!
Suffice it to say, I’ve paid a steep price to get into and maintain sprinting form. I’ve torn the quad, several hamstring muscles, felt the sickening feeling of my calf muscle tear but I continue plugging along. Each injury took 2 to 8 months to heal. But the body is quite resilient and will heal. I now have a completely factory rebuilt right leg! I’m the Canadian Master’s indoor 60 and 200 meter champion and took a Bronze medal in the US Master’s Indoor National Championships.
I think it crazy and preposterous that as a result of a whim to run in a fun track event several years ago, I will now be running for Team Canada in the world masters Championships this summer. I sure didn’t see that coming.
So let’s get to the important stuff. I’d like to think this lifestyle of hard, satisfying work, coupled with clean air, fresh garden vegetables and healthy living put my body into a position where I could attempt this comeback.
Age is Not a Barrier!
It doesn’t hurt to be a bit goal oriented and driven to succeed either. I’m in the 65-69 competitive age group and I can’t stress this enough… age is not a barrier to success! Don’t ever let anyone tell you you are too old to try something new. You have no idea what you can accomplish unless you actually give it a try.
This concept applies to whether you’re contemplating something competitive, a change of lifestyle perhaps oriented to self-reliance or something as simple as walking around the block. Do something on a whim!
Maybe see you on the track for a race?
Until next time, keep the dream alive! We wish you a great day!
Ron and Johanna
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Congrats on your realization age doesn’t matter. Anne and I are proud of you. A 90year young man I met told me, “you don’t stop doing because you are old, you are old because you stop doing.” Keep it up Cousin Bill Matz
Thanks Bill. When we allow ourselves to slow down, the inevitable slide to the end shows up and it’s downhill from there. Hard to reverse that. Might as well keep driving hard to the finish line. Stay well down there.
Hi Ron, I came across the article about your accomplishments in the Chronicle Herald. I’ll include a few links that might interest you as it relates to training in an austere environment, in light of the fact that the fitness center in Isaacs Harbour may close.
I have a friend who lives in County Harbour, who was one of the top Highland Games athletes in Canada, who you may know. He has a weight room in his basement and may be able to offer you use of his facility and provide coaching on strength training to augment your sprint training in the event you are interested. His name is Lyle BARON.
Fair Winds,
Hello Terry, Thank you so very much for reaching out. I will certainly read your suggested articles. I do not know Lyle and perhaps our paths will cross. I’ve got a minimal setup in the basement which actually should be a good substitute for losing the gym.
I have a set of kettle bells and lots of different resistance bands plus a few dumb bells. I’ll just have to switch gears and figure out the best way to utilize these things fully. You can bank on me remaining fit, gym or no gym. I had a routine for the gym and I’ll get a routine going for my basement. All the best Terry. Stay safe!