Plant a Victory Garden in 2025

Plant a Victory garden? What the heck does that mean? Join me as we explore what planting a Victory garden in 2025 would be all about.

2024 Victory Garden at Peak of Summer

2024 Victory Garden at Peak of Summer

Victory Gardens

During the First and Second World Wars, civilians in all of North America were encouraged to plant a vegetable garden to help with the war effort. These vegetable plots became known as Victory Gardens.

In the 70’s, when I was a kid and got hooked on gardening, I clearly remember my dad telling how, when he was a kid, his grandfather, (my great grandfather) and others in our small town planted such Victory Gardens.

Back then, as a teenager I just couldn’t make the connection. What could planting a garden have to do with winning a war? Now I get it.

Planting a Victory Garden meant people could supply some of their own food so resources such as man power and fuel could be spent on the war effort instead of being used to feed the populace. For example, instead of fuel being used for transporting food to market, it could be used for other purposes tied to winning the war. Not only did Victory Gardens help prevent food shortages but they also boosted morale on the home front as civilians felt empowered by their contributions to the war effort.

Victory Gardens of Today

So why plant a Victory Garden in 2025? We’re not currently involved in a world wide armed conflict.

Right now the enemy isn’t fascism but rather inflation and escalating food costs. Planting a vegetable garden gives you a victory over rising food costs while at the same time giving you security regarding availability for at least part of your food supply.

Modern Victory Gardens also give you peace of mind that no matter what socioeconomic events occur you’ll have some food for your table.

Our Victory Garden at the Peak of Summer

Our Victory Garden at the Peak of Summer

Whether your Victory Garden is small and strictly for fresh summer eating, large enough to preserve and feed you all year long as ours is or somewhere in between, you’ll be winning over inflation and potential supply issues. Freedom from the supermarket is always a good thing to our way of thinking.

So planting a garden is a win, a victory no matter how you look at it.

In Conclusion

What do you think? Will you be planting a Victory Garden in 2025?

Until next time, keep the dream alive! We wish you a great day!

Ron and Johanna

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