Welcome kindred spirit. Thank you for stopping by. Why homestead? Why live off-grid? Two great questions whose answers vary depending on each individual’s unique circumstances.

Maine Home in Summer
In my case, back in the old days of the 1970’s, I had a career in electronics. It was an entertaining and challenging choice and I was prepared to work my life away until I retired in the standard, conventional way. But I’ve always had an adventurous, independent streak, and it wasn’t long into my work regimen that I started to question whether this was all there was to life. Get up in the morning, drive to work, pay the bills, make the company owner prosperous, get old and eventually hit the checkout counter.
Seemed there had to be another path through life and it was my work supervisor who suggested homesteading. That suggestion changed the course of my life. Since then, I/we have homesteaded off-grid for a total of 37 years.
We all have our reasons for considering a change of direction in life. Why did I choose to homestead and live off-grid? I wanted more out of life. The concept of being self-reliant and self-sufficient had great appeal. The freedom to get up in the morning and decide how I would spend my day was enticing. I wanted the satisfaction of raising my own food and heating and cooking with wood I cut myself. I sought the security of knowing that I was free from rising food costs or any threats to the food supply. Independence from the power companies by generating energy from the wind, sun or both was empowering. Essentially being my own boss and determining my own destiny was the ultimate prize. I was content with the unconventional life this path offered. I was young and comfortable in seeking adventure.
Getting Started – The First Steps
My first advice to you would be to do some research about homesteading and living off-grid. Talk to others who have lived the life. Understand that the lifestyle is not utopia but it is extremely satisfying to pursue self-reliance.
Realize that you don’t have to make an all or nothing clean break from your conventional life. Becoming a bit more self-sufficient can be done in stages. There’s nothing wrong with being in suburbia and growing a garden to help with your food needs. By the same token, there’s nothing wrong with living so far remote that you only shop twice a year as we do. And then there’s everything in between.
Ask yourself a few questions. Why am I considering homesteading? Why do I want to live off-grid? What do I want to accomplish? These questions will form the basis of your overall game plan and once you have the answers to those questions, you can formulate the next steps.
We can’t help but notice all the programs on TV dedicated to homesteading and wilderness living. There’s even a show devoted to helping those who have so misjudged the complexities of off-grid homesteading that they are at the point of failure. In looking back over the years, I realize I’ve made my share of mistakes too, yet I’ve overcome them and have ultimately thrived with this chosen lifestyle. In our own way, this site will be dedicated to providing information to those who are already prepping and off-grid as well as those wishing to do so.
We’ll go on this journey together. I will write many posts from the perspective of someone who is just starting out or who is simply considering an off-grid, homesteading lifestyle. We are here to answer questions and based on the feedback we receive, we would be delighted to write a post specifically addressing the questions. In the meantime, I will make occasional posts on the very first steps and thoughts to consider before going off-grid. We will then build together from there. We want you to have the best chance to succeed.
Until next time, keep the dream alive! We wish you a great day!
Ron and Johanna
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I just finished reading your book and thoroughly enjoyed. I found lots of commonalities, and quite a few differences. My husband and I waited until our retirement years to live in an off-the-grid float cabin. To do so, we also had to become Canadian permanent residents. We have chosen to keep things pretty basic with a hand pump for water (our advantage is we live on the surface of a fresh water lake), heat with wood, and use solar and some wind for power. We use propane for the stove, fridge and some lights. Town is only 25 minutes away by boat so it is a good solution for us. Plus, a wood cook stove would weigh too much for our floating home. Got to keep those cedar logs as high in the water as possible. I invite you to come on over and visit our blog http://powellriverbooks.blogspot.ca It’s written from my point of view while the books in the Coastal BC Stories series are written from Wayne’s. Kind of a good balance for us. Again, thanks again for the good read. We do a lot of that this time of year. – Margy
Good Morning Margy,
You take first prize for being the first commenter to my new website. Thank you so much for taking time to visit and for your book support. I did take a look at your site and will browse further.
I am so pleased you found my book entertaining. Would you please consider an Amazon rating/review? I treasure every review and every one gives others a measure of confidence the book is worthy of their time. Thanks.
That is great that you can relate to so much of what we have done here. That’s a very interesting lifestyle you have chosen. There was a TV show on a few years ago about people living on float cabins in the Yukon(?). We watched that show a few times.
As far as your set up… that’s really the name of the game isn’t it? To choose and adapt equipment and conveniences to each living situation. I sense you have given a great deal of thought to how things will be arranged on the float cabin and some things like a wood cook stove don’t make a lot of sense. There are always alternatives like the gas stove.
The bottom line is you and Wayne have followed your dream. As well, you have become more self-reliant. Good job. Well done! Stay safe and I wish you all the best. Thanks again for stopping by and commenting. Ron
I will be writing a review for my blog and will also post it on Amazon. Glad to help a fellow author. My husband went the self published route because it was so hard to find a traditional publisher willing to take a chance. Now we are really glad we’ve gone that route. But without Amazon, Kobo, and other online sellers it wouldn’t work. – Margy
Hello Margy,
Thank you very much in advance for the offer to do a review. That would be wonderful and I am very grateful.
As far as the floating cabin, you are living proof it is never to late to pursue a dream or make a change in life. I am happy that you both are able to share the new life although as you have found, there’s a learning curve. But that’s part of the adventure too.
In regards to the book, I finished doing an audio version in late December. It was a brutal learning experience but I persevered and the audio is selling very well. I’m a bit surprised actually. I narrated it and am selling it on Amazon as well as my site and others. Maybe that is something to consider. If you do, please let me know and I’ll try to help as much as I can. I had to learn on my own so I can pass on lots to make it easier for you.
All the best! Ron