Category Archives: Uncategorized

Alternative Methods to Weed Control

I know this post is coming a little late to be useful this year but I’m hoping this post will be helpful next growing season for all gardeners and homeowners who wrestle with weed control. Unless weeds are dealt with … Continue reading

Posted in Gardening, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments

The Off-Grid Dream – the Realities

Going off-grid is your dream, but how do you proceed? Where do you begin? First you need to come to grips with the realities of going off-grid. We’ve lived the off-grid dream for 41 years beginning in northern Maine at … Continue reading

Posted in Off Grid Living, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments

Look at What You’ve Accomplished!

Every time we tap into the daily news, it seems we are greeted with more chaos and turmoil. Today, we’d like to share some upbeat, happy news. You folks who have supported us with your encouragement and book purchases have … Continue reading

Posted in Homesteader's News, Uncategorized | 4 Comments

Our New Book – The Self-Sufficient Backyard: For the Independent Homesteader

Johanna and I are thrilled to announce that our new book The Self-Sufficient Backyard: For the Independent Homesteader is available for purchase in both ebook format and/or printed copy. Here is the link to the webpage: We are not … Continue reading

Posted in Homesteading/Prepping, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , | 30 Comments

Forest Fires and How We Survived Them – Part 1

You never want to look out your window or step outdoors and see a column of black/gray smoke rising from the nearby forest. That happened several times to us when we lived out in the Saskatchewan wilderness. Those experiences give … Continue reading

Posted in Homesteading/Prepping, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , | 6 Comments